Frequently Asked Questions

What does Knowtify cost?

The annual Knowtify subscription for unlimited users and unlimited use is based on the number of products registered to the licensee.

  • 1-10 Products $3,750
  • 11-50 Products $6,000
  • 51-100 Products $8,500
  • 100+ Products $11,750

KPRS Gold customers receive a 20% discount.

What are Knowtify's data sources?

Knowtify data comes directly from the databases of EPA plus the majority of states (currently 39 provide us with their data). We display data exactly as it is stored by regulatory agencies.


  • EPA data is received approximately every two weeks.
  • Approved and cancelled EPA products are listed.


  • State data is received from each state’s Department of Agriculture or equivalent agency.
  • EPA state-approved label information dates back to 1964.
  • Not all states provide electronic label information; North Dakota provides for all registrations.
  • State-approved commerce labels are searchable from the Knowtify main menu.
  • Posting of new data can vary by state: daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.
  • 39 states currently provide data to Knowtify (see map here); we are requesting label information from the remaining states

How can I find an in-commerce label for a specific product?

Knowtify displays state labels for states that approve labels electronically, and offers more than 350,000 in-commerce labels. For some states, such as North Dakota, Knowtify has 100% electronically approved labels of all ND-registered products.

What are the basics of using Knowtify?

There are two ways to get the EPA & state data that you need: 1) Automatic delivery notification through personal profile, and 2) On-demand searches.

You can receive automatic data delivery by your choice of email or text messaging. You are notified every time there is a change in any of the criteria you set up in your personal profile, and can modify your profile at any time.

All Knowtify users in your company set their personal profiles for the specific information they need.

How do I request an on-line demo or on-site demo?

To set up a demo, email or call (800) 803-5777.